We need or better yet I would like themed days of the week! I was all chatty about it on the World channel but decided that maybe the forums was a better Idea to Express myself

So here Go... now don't hold me to this but it's just an Idea.

1. Masochist Monday.....  Some people like a good ole fashion ass whooping for kicks, I don't have a problem with it.

2. Tongue Lashing Tuesday.  Personally, I think all the Lady's should have a day that's all about them!

3. Wet Spot Wednesday .....This needs no explanation fellas. Well, hmmmmm maybe it does. We are not talking about R. Kelly antics NOooooo!  Juices should flow but let's leave the golden stuff out of it!

4. I can't come up with anything for Thursday... sorry.

5. Freaky Friday was way too easy.. So I'm going with Foot Fetish Friday! Honestly, I've never fucked any feet before.  I'm not saying that I'm not open to it! I've humped my wife's feet playing around but that doesn't really count.

6. Saran Wrap Saturday.... This one came straight out of my imagination.... but it involves 2 people saran wrap,  a plastic tarp, and lots of baby oil!! 

7. Sadist Sunday!!! Break out the Hot Wax and clothespins!!! Maybe Some rope!!! Maybe a paddle?


I say you give me your ideas and we vote on it...


JB    (link usuniÄ™ty)