What's the rules on having more than one account?

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Are players allowed more than one account? I've noticed "two" players where one log in in within minutes of of the other logging off and vice versa. This pattern repeats itself for a couple of hours within th last few hours of the cock fighting league.

If having more than one account is within the rules then I don't think it's being used within the spirit of the game here because this player is getting double the chances at winning as well as not having to wait as long as the rest of us for our energy to recover.

Posted 7 years ago #249 - View post

Sorry to say but there are no rules to say you cant .... or use the dirty tactics you stated =/


There are a lot of players that use many accounts - i know of 3 gangs that are just ran by one or two players rest are password shared accounts.


It crap i know but until the devs decide to clean that part of the game up players will contiune to do it.

Posted 7 years ago #250 - View post

Thanks and agreed it is crap. it'd be good if the devs had a report abuse function. I'm a free player so I don't suffer anything other than annoyance. It's so blatant (in my opinion) "both" same gang and one logs in within a minute or so of the other logging off, fights a cock fight, logs off and then the other logs in again to fight and the pattern repeats itself. I wonder if they claimed the invite a buddy bonus in coins too as this type of abuse must be losing devs a fortune.

Posted 7 years ago #251 - View post

There is a report a bug fuction that can be used as a report also..... you can find that at the bottom right of the ingame screen

Posted 7 years ago #252 - View post

The multis will never forbidden, because some high paying players use(d) this method and devs do not want to lose them (especially polish gangs at HCL1;-).

Furthermore for introducing one account policy, they would have to run IP filter. But if you know how to cope with that, you will be multi again (the doc knows how to change IP address;-). 

Posted 7 years ago #254 - View post

It would slow him down if he had to keep changing his IP :p

Posted 7 years ago #255 - View post

Not really in a virtual machine ... ;-)

Posted 7 years ago #256 - View post