Getting busted constantly!

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I have every single working girl and actress well above 100% happiness yet I am getting busted when taking money from my massage parlours several times, each day. Why does this even exist?! Seems like a cheap way to get more CC from us when I already am spending too much real money on this game. I take the half hour in jail most often but it discourages me from playing. If it can't be avoided, it should be removed. You can't drink yourself into the hospital because they say that would be a cheap way to take our CCs but they can bust you, randomly? (though I went an entire month without a single bust when I had cheap parlours and made little money but checked constantly, now I only check three times a day but have large parlours and get busted several times per day, WTF!!!)

Is there something I am missing. Is 600% not enough happiness to avoid busting or is it random and I am, somehow, innexplicably the unluckiest MF in the game?

Posted 6 years ago #388 - View post

1st, you must ask in your gang chat or message your "leaders" before asking in the forum, else why in a gang?

2nd nobody knows how fucking works this game events or formulas, as devs only give little bits of info when they want and who they want

3rd the people who played this shit several years, made some "theories", but there are many as elder players, each one have his own "guide book"

4th my think about you ask: devs want you collect money as much 1 time at day, to let people raid some of your money, so if you only collect 1 time/day, prison will be a forgot place for you

5th waste your money on better life goods than here ;D

Posted 6 years ago #389 - View post

Ever tried to collect money from parlours via management screen instead of money symbols at the map?

Won't keep you out of jail, but sends you less often there.

(this is another theory from an elder, but i do not collect three times a day;-)

Posted 6 years ago #390 - View post

Gotta love it when you're asking a question that you want a legitimate answer too and some dick comes along trying really hard not to help:-) Now that's just a general statement and If you are not a dick then you should be offended. I actually was wondering the same thing Marcus1 so I am glad you answered the question.  

Posted 5 years ago #398 - View post