of course I complain about 800k (I make several millions per day thx to royalties and booble, cougars give few 100k, parlors give ~same as cougars  (- expenses to make security healthy again after parlor got raided) and girls avg 10k and what they get from non-nighclub jobs) not that I have much to buy (milfton + its upgrades and spacerocket (which I could fully buy if all stages cost that 15m) and maybe 1 more building to put girls which don't fit to milfton to there) and academy classes (me+actresses) and more rooms for my actresses (that'd make big hole to my bank accoun so either more rooms or spacerocket).


no I don't want SA100 girls since haven't seen any job which would req that (70+ is highest I've seen and even in vd videos diff between sa96 and 67 seems to be very minimal) and getting them to stay at 100 is mission impossible (my only sa100 girl seems to drop under 100 when things are total of 1 cm away from ideal).


if I replaced all non-dc girls with dcs now then with sa 1-10/sub90 they all would spend next 1.5-2 days on spa to get above sa70 (max sa100 chicks to get to from 1-10 to 100 would require ~week for each girl and if permanent sa100 then 2 weeks) and during that time only couple girls (3 actresses and 2 whores) would bring money and parlors wouldn't give much money nor would nightclub nor filmtent (not that it gives much since very often jobs are 100 bucks jobs). football team brings 100-140k per week (its expenses have been covered long ago even original players are pretty much gone).


so far that whore dc has gotten some client visits and also few nice jobs from nightclub and earnings so far are few 10ks (and 9 lvls and 3 positions) and her sa is 77/98 (after 16 hrs at spa and gym training and working and mother nature (which hasn't so far touched at all to waist which is pretty much at same shape as when I got her).


bit off-topic: atm with even beautifuls highest satisfaction during date is 74 (was looking new photomodel and future football player) and with 3 candidates 2 left (1 at 68 due forgot to talk her after giving gift and 1 at 73) and got 1.