Divine chicks

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Weeks..it takes months to get divines!!

Posted 7 years ago #159 - View post

not rly, I got nearly 4 full pages of divines cause I have been in top10 in filmakers league past couple weeks. I'm sure I have lost several due not taking them to as fuck buddies and that way to either actresses or whores.


also near same amount of perfects and beautifuls and pretties (below those I have deleted).

Posted 7 years ago #160 - View post

that dc who wants to be whore is 1 fuck away from doing it as pro (I doubt if she'll ever bring money invested on her back since just fucks have cost over 100k bucks), too bad that she's latino since my latino whore (caught from street) has 60 sa and 66 temper while tha dc has 98 (currently 3)/99 stats.

Posted 7 years ago #161 - View post

In response to cxxxc (View post):

<p>that dc who wants to be whore is 1 fuck away from doing it as pro (I doubt if she'll ev...

<edit2: she left after 1 fuck apparently so total losses 5k+ bucks and 1 cc and I didn't gain anything.>


I guess you didn't had enough cash to pay her (or didn't wanted to pay). You should always pay your girls good to lure them into your lair (always 100% approval;-)

Posted 7 years ago | Last updated 7 years ago #162 - View post

I got her and currently she's in spa (she's fat and rest of her body isn't in any better shape (outside weight which was just under 20 kg over ideal rest were either over +20 or -20 difference to ideal)) and hasn't earned to me single cent but has cost me small fortune (she needs to earn 7-800k bucks before I get money invested on her back) so I'm beginning to think that getting dc to work as whore ain't worth it unless finds dc which has nice-decent stats (current sa vs max sa) since full stats won't be told until girl is hooked (atleast my actress dcs had easy case to get fit and start earning money and THEY EARNED ME MONEY (films and photos) WHILE I WAS LURING THEM UNLIKE WANNABE WHORES and didn't want cc champagne).

Posted 7 years ago #163 - View post

dcs on 1st page of possible dates list have shitty stats, most have under 5 sa (worst (couple of those) are 1/100) and best have 34/100 sa (nothing great but easier to fix than those with 1/x sa). on 2nd page there are some good 1s with 70+ sa but otherwise same trend with 1/x sa continues.


deleted edits so they won't appear on every post.

Posted 7 years ago #164 - View post

In response to cxxxc (View post):

<p>that dc which wanted to be whore asked 5 grand from fuck and after I asked her to work for...

It's quite simple.

The girls have three temperments:

The kind you can bring home to mother;
The kind you can take drinking with your sister:
The kind you can tell the judge she didn't mean it, really.

The lower the number, the more your Mammy is going to pretend she likes her. The higher the number, the more pottery will whiz past your head. So if you've got a nice girl, choose the top line. If you've a fun girl, choose the middle line. If you've a party girl who throws tantrums, go for the third. Give her the gift she wants when she wants it no matter what level she is, because that's how girls work. The hotter the girl, the more you should invest in presents because that's how girl work. Close the deal when you green.


Posted 7 years ago #166 - View post

well I expected that 1st wannabe whore to leave.


and no, I won't start giving them gift they want aka cc champagne since game isn't generous enough on giving ccs (but gives plenty of "opportunities" to use those like sent to jail when collecting money (I have spent 1.5 hrs today in jail, past couple weeks atleast 2 times per day) or cougar sends player to hospital (1-2 times per week) or loses cockfight defend just when some rich cougars (on cruiseship or former client) have come and is waiting stamina getting restored or street countdown hitting 0).

Posted 7 years ago #168 - View post

use rings/diamonds(gives 100%) from gang-missions if you want divine SA100 hoes, everything else is just a fucked up time-waste! cast your SA100 actresses at the tent, do it over and over again with the same settings!! You're lvl 60+ and complain about 800k???

Posted 7 years ago | Last updated 7 years ago #171 - View post

of course I complain about 800k (I make several millions per day thx to royalties and booble, cougars give few 100k, parlors give ~same as cougars  (- expenses to make security healthy again after parlor got raided) and girls avg 10k and what they get from non-nighclub jobs) not that I have much to buy (milfton + its upgrades and spacerocket (which I could fully buy if all stages cost that 15m) and maybe 1 more building to put girls which don't fit to milfton to there) and academy classes (me+actresses) and more rooms for my actresses (that'd make big hole to my bank accoun so either more rooms or spacerocket).


no I don't want SA100 girls since haven't seen any job which would req that (70+ is highest I've seen and even in vd videos diff between sa96 and 67 seems to be very minimal) and getting them to stay at 100 is mission impossible (my only sa100 girl seems to drop under 100 when things are total of 1 cm away from ideal).


if I replaced all non-dc girls with dcs now then with sa 1-10/sub90 they all would spend next 1.5-2 days on spa to get above sa70 (max sa100 chicks to get to from 1-10 to 100 would require ~week for each girl and if permanent sa100 then 2 weeks) and during that time only couple girls (3 actresses and 2 whores) would bring money and parlors wouldn't give much money nor would nightclub nor filmtent (not that it gives much since very often jobs are 100 bucks jobs). football team brings 100-140k per week (its expenses have been covered long ago even original players are pretty much gone).


so far that whore dc has gotten some client visits and also few nice jobs from nightclub and earnings so far are few 10ks (and 9 lvls and 3 positions) and her sa is 77/98 (after 16 hrs at spa and gym training and working and mother nature (which hasn't so far touched at all to waist which is pretty much at same shape as when I got her).


bit off-topic: atm with even beautifuls highest satisfaction during date is 74 (was looking new photomodel and future football player) and with 3 candidates 2 left (1 at 68 due forgot to talk her after giving gift and 1 at 73) and got 1.

Posted 7 years ago #174 - View post

holy shit this is confusing post :D to get divines in fuckbuddies you need to give them CC gift for 100%

to get them as hoes you need to be above lvl 44 for those SA100 girls, for movies just add them to movie and make them alot, then they will ask you if you want to sing them to you

in big levels you need the 100SA girls for movies, but for hoes above 90SA is ok

Posted 7 years ago #183 - View post

I got divine girl just by drunk(got 8-9 divine and perfect girl by this) =>I think this strageties is easiest in the game, because you lose nothing (alchohol drink get from Cruisin on street every 70mins,
and some from join party 

Posted 7 years ago #189 - View post

Best way of filling your iSnatch book is throwing Tequila Parties ....

and sometimes you get a divine chick.

Posted 7 years ago #194 - View post