Cannot Get more divine actress, I have read all the posts and am still at a loss.

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So, I have nearly a page of SA 100 Divines who say NO to being hookers and so sit in my fuck buddy book and I never hear from them for weeks now. I gave one or maybe two of them a diamond at the date. I think I managed to get my one signed100 SA actress by her offering randomly, but may have got her from tent.I have never seen any offers from fuckbook for 2 weeks+. I once got an offer from a 'Pretty' rank out of the new girls list but there was NO WAY TO TALK TO HER that I could see. I've been deleting everything lower than Divine from the new girls list in the hope I'll get an offer from there. Its getting frustrating, I have a dozen divine whores and only 1 divine actress. Even tho I'm a noob and newish to this game genre; I've been in the top 5 in the film makers league since I started. Feel like I'm missing something obvious but none of the forum posts achieved a cure for this although they were all helpful threads to read generally.

Will actress offers come from FB girls or new girls listing?

Will Seduction/Foreplay stats help this at all?

Will a whore gifted with a diamond offer to act for my films?

Where oh where will I find a divine actress? One I found (think it was from tent), the other I bought from CC event.

I play often am level 46. I cast for 100s like crazy all day. My seduction = 45 and foreplay from outhouse stats is 1,549. I saw a thread saying 'keep giving them jobs until they offer to act for you', I've seen no method of employing a divine who says NO to being a hooker in my FK book. I'm thinking some of the posts I've read are bad translations maybe. Can someone please help? I love the film making it's a well built software engine; but I have 3 empty slots and half my actresses are being knocked back as too ugly for my pro films. 

If anyone can help I promise to return the favour, like friend you and gift you everyday or whatever - help this noob pls pls pls! :D

Posted 5 years ago | Last updated 5 years ago #417 - View post

simply: u know how to get fuckbudies from list, what u seem not know is how to get an actress from FB list... if u fuck a FB and not say NO, means she likes being a whore, else if u MAKE HER TO WORK in a FILM or PHOTOSHOT, she will answer TOO yes or not to work filming

easygoing: if u want ACTRESSES, u must make them work FILMING, movies or PS, (see there are 2 pages to assign them on a film or PS, left for FUCKBUDIES and right for OWN ACTRESSES)

the 1st time u try, her will answer you if she likes or not filming, as 1st time u fuck them, they tell u if they likes it or not (hoes)

finaly, a FB only can become whore or actress, not both, so u must fill the meter from what work type u want for her 

Posted 5 years ago | Last updated 5 years ago #418 - View post

Thankyou SOOOO much Neopatria (Latin for 'My new daddy? lol) It was so simple I didnt need to write a small novella sized question... I simply had never noticed you can cast Movie and Photo shoots from the Fuck Book :D
I just cast a 100 SA girl from FB on a 2 hour cruise ship movie and the dialogue says she really wants to be an actress. TY TY TY, if you see me about, friend me if you like, Your advice is litterally worth a million dollars (game dollars mind) to me.

Posted 5 years ago #419 - View post

Posted 5 years ago | Last updated 5 years ago #420 - View post

it's enough reward your thanks ;D (my game nick isnt Neopatria here, is Dr_Hell)

Posted 5 years ago #421 - View post