So, I have nearly a page of SA 100 Divines who say NO to being hookers and so sit in my fuck buddy book and I never hear from them for weeks now. I gave one or maybe two of them a diamond at the date. I think I managed to get my one signed100 SA actress by her offering randomly, but may have got her from tent.I have never seen any offers from fuckbook for 2 weeks+. I once got an offer from a 'Pretty' rank out of the new girls list but there was NO WAY TO TALK TO HER that I could see. I've been deleting everything lower than Divine from the new girls list in the hope I'll get an offer from there. Its getting frustrating, I have a dozen divine whores and only 1 divine actress. Even tho I'm a noob and newish to this game genre; I've been in the top 5 in the film makers league since I started. Feel like I'm missing something obvious but none of the forum posts achieved a cure for this although they were all helpful threads to read generally.

Will actress offers come from FB girls or new girls listing?

Will Seduction/Foreplay stats help this at all?

Will a whore gifted with a diamond offer to act for my films?

Where oh where will I find a divine actress? One I found (think it was from tent), the other I bought from CC event.

I play often am level 46. I cast for 100s like crazy all day. My seduction = 45 and foreplay from outhouse stats is 1,549. I saw a thread saying 'keep giving them jobs until they offer to act for you', I've seen no method of employing a divine who says NO to being a hooker in my FK book. I'm thinking some of the posts I've read are bad translations maybe. Can someone please help? I love the film making it's a well built software engine; but I have 3 empty slots and half my actresses are being knocked back as too ugly for my pro films. 

If anyone can help I promise to return the favour, like friend you and gift you everyday or whatever - help this noob pls pls pls! :D